Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Cognitive Network Security

Cognitive Ne twainrk SecurityIntroductionThe rapid ontogenesis of various talk and wireless technologies had led to ultimate spectrum insufficiency. This may cause a great spectrum extinction thereby not allowing new wireless go to be installed. To overcome this great spectrum disaster and to optimally use the underutilized bands, a new technology so called cognitive tuner evolved. This technology scampers the software programs thereby helps cognitive substance abuser to look for spectrum holes, pick the best among them, work jointly in coordination with other users and do not disturb the owner of spectrum on arrival1.The members do stay committed in an ad-hoc manner and there is no guaranteed network architecture. This identifys the privacy issues more intricate than in conventional wireless devices. 2. The medium of transport is free air, every adulteration of data can be make without much being noticed by the sufferer and at the worst case, the data forecasts are point jam med. Establishing security in these networks is a risky task because of its inimitable quality. 4 The innate temperament of it has made it an open play ground for attackers.There are intravenous feeding layers in a cognitive network out of which Physical layer is the lower almost layer and various attacks are feasible here .The main digest is on attacks in these layers since it is the common layer and has same compatibility with all other devices. The rapid development of technology has led to a new attack so called Primary User competition Attack wherein the imitation of spiteful user as a primary vector occurs to deceive the secondary users and gain assenting over the white space.Better functioning of the Cognitive network is affected to a great extent if this Primary User Emulation Attack is severe.3Earlier methods and the most primitive are cyclostationary and the energy detection ones 11. The first technique is based on the fact that the signals from primary users are peri odic and do down reparation cyclostationarity property. The second method involves comparison of energy level of the signal with a preset threshold. 10.These methods are already bypassed owing to the rapid growth of technology. It can be done either by impersonating the primary transmitted signal or high power signal to confuse the energy detector 9.Thus to parry the problem of PUEA, we need a trustable method to verify the arrival of primary user .One such method is stoppage of licensed user by actor of biased reaction signalling6. The other technique involves LocDef , where we use localization technique by non interactive technique 7. We can also use Public en cryptograph systems thereby ensuring the trustworthy communication5. Primary user has a closely placed helper node which plays the role of a bridge thereby enabling of the verification of the primary users signals using cryptographic signatures and authentic link signatures.8.There are hand off techniques meant for sec ret communication of sharing session keys mingled with the client and the router 12.We do add the tag for authentication in a transparent way so as no to interfere with the primary pass catcher but still maintain authenticity with the cognitive user. We can add this tag in parity bits of the codeword or in the modulation plot .13.But to make this signature embedding accurate, error control codes like convolutional codes, turbo codes or alamauti codes can be used. .A convolutional encoder is a linear predetermined-state device with n algebraic function generators and K play shift register. The binary input data, is shifted as b bits at a time along the registers. Decoding can be done by either sequential decoding, maximum likelihood or feedback decoding15. In case of turbo codes, two RSC elementary codes are in a parallel organization. Maximum A Posteriori algorithmic rule is used for decoding it in iterative process16.In a highly noisy environments single error control codes do not have high coding gain. In order to improve this concatenated codes are preferred.14 Hence to cope up with the FCC regulations, we proposed a method in which the authentication tag is embedded onto the data signal by the helper node after encoding and the comparative study of which concatenated codes serve the best to reduce the bit error rate has been discussed.II. PROPOSED METHOD2.1)HASH algorithmic ruleProcedureMessage is Padded in such a way that the length of meat matches to 896 modulo 1024 . In certain cases ,the length may match in so far the padding becomes additional. We do add a binary bit 1 followed by binary 0s to make the desired length. Depending upon the actual message size, we may have n number of bits padded where n=1 to 1024.We do assume that the message after padding is an unsigned integer of 128 bits and payoff of anterior two steps is a 1024 bit integer in order to calculate the length of message. Eight registers each of capacity to hold 64 bits (p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) are ask to grasp the 512 bit results momentarily .This 512 bit output is carried over as an input to the consecutive stages. For the first stage, the previously stored transitional hash output is taken. On processing the padded message of 1024 bits, we get 64 bit as input per round. So to maintain the security and avoid repetitions, we do use a constant to point to the round number out of 80.After completion of 80 rounds, the final stage result is fed back to the first block until the message gets over. Thus we need (Oi-1) to produce Oi where I is the stage number.2.2)METHOD OF EMBEDDINGWe assume that the primary transmitter and the helper node share almost the same geological localization principle and the helper node has a secret communication with the secondary users there. The primary transmitter on arrival generally transmits a data signal to its think primary receiver. Since the primary transmitter has the highest priority and in no way it should be interf ered we use the helper node to embed this security tag. The primary transmitter encodes the data installment, modulates and transmits the signal. The data sequence after encoding is modulated and being transmitted by the primary transmitter. The helper node here repeats the signal and the hashed output is being embedded by it .Here the embedding is done in such a way that the tag to data ratio is comparatively low. Encode the data sequence to form N code words and each codeword contains p bits. We get an authentication tag by splitting the hash function output obtained earlier into p bit blocks. The tag thus obtained is substituted in the place of first p bits of the total N code words obtained. We do obey the regulations as per FCC since this tag embedding task is solely performed by the helper node. At the receiver end the authentication tag is retrieved and checked for authenticity. This tag verification is being done by the Cognitive Radio user upon reception since we did assum e that the key for hash had been exchanged privately earlier. If verification is successful, the task is suspended and secondary user looks for any new white space.BLOCK DIAGRAMRESULTS AND DISCUSSIONBER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL CODESBER VALUES FOR TURBO CONVOLUTIONAL CODESBER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL-ALAMOUTI CODESBER VALUES FOR TURBO-ALAMOUTI CODESREFERENCESO. Len ,Hernndez-Serrano, J.,Soriano, M.,. Securingcognitiveradionetworks, International Journal of communicating Systems,23 633-652. 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